Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Alcoholism amongst youths


This personal discussion forum posted the topic on "Alcoholism amongst youths" to discuss between themselves by posting their personal comments and opinions.


Another discussion forum topic on how to reduce alcoholism among young people was posted. There are a few replies to the topic, personal opinions towards reducing alcohlism amongst the youths were posted.


This organisation site tells us about their research on youth drinking. It provides information like the average age of youth drinking regularly and what causes them to start drinking alcohol etc.


This website is based on the subject alcholism and it provides information such as "Alcohol-Related Risk Behaviors Among Youth" and also stating alcoholism facts like the "Symptoms of Alcoholism"


There is a small write up on the related topic which is alcoholism amongst the youths by the blogger himself.

I personally feel that it is bad for the youths. Their consumption on alcohol might lead to lots of different kinds of problems. They might cause disturbance in the family when they are drunk and also suffering health risks in the near future.

1 comment:

adamgilcrist said...

The topic about the Alcoholism amongst youths is really amazing and it is useful to every college students and every youths in the world. also i have seen the different sites which are given by you. I have got some important news through your article. I like this article very much and I would like to introduce and tell about this facter to my friend.
Alcohol abuse affects millions. This site has a lot of useful information.
Alcohol Abuse